JLT Powai Mumbai Interview questions, Jardine Lloyd Thompson ASP.Net Interview Questions and Answers

What is deferred excecution in linq
What is dependency injection and its advantage
what is CTE in SQL
While declaring generic can i use < A >  instead of < T >

what are different contract in WCF
What are different secutiry moded in WCF
What are HTTP handlers where do we register the handlers
What are different page life cycle events
What is MVC and how does it differ from ASP.NET controls.
What is Factory pattern
what is diff bet deep copy and shallow copy
What are session in ASP.NET
What are the new features in ASP.NET and which one have you used in you proj

ASP.net Page life cycle.
How to implement culture in asp.net application
What are diffrent type of assembly
can i have same version of assembly in GAC
how to sign a assembly
what are satellite assembly.
How to implement factory pattern
What is difference between factory and abstract factory
Singleton pattern? why can't i use static class
what are diffrerent WCF security modes.
How do you do unit testing in your project
features of C# .net

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